Week 1

   This week I was very busy balancing homework, work, and classes along with finding time to call home, hang with friends, and get exercise. I worked 4.5 hours a day at the school pool lifeguarding and I have a few shifts between my two jobs on Friday. I worked on homework during my breaks and checked in with each class to see what classwork needed to be done. I planned out my daily workouts and had time to see my friends on Monday and Wednesday evening. I'm excited to go home this weekend and visit with my boyfriend and family!


  1. Hi Kailey,
    Let me start off by saying I FELT THAT. I'm taking 12 credits, 3 being my internship, and working 32 hours a week. It's been challenging trying to balance my school, work and personal schedules so far. I'm hoping as I get into a groove I will be able to open more time to do other things. Anyways, I look forward to reading your blog this semester!


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