Week 10

 How’s everyone doing as we come up on the last few weeks of the semester? I have been feeling lots of mixed emotions associated with leaving Fredonia in a few weeks. I love my life here with my friends and school life. I’m excited for my new chapter at Buff State for grad school, but I’m sad to be leaving behind the people and place I love. 

   As the semester winds down I hope everyone can reflect and share their favorite memories over this year. What’s something that happened this school year that made an impact on your life?


  1. Thank you for asking! I too am feeling mixed emotions about graduating Fredonia in a few weeks. While I am relieved to be done with school, I am so sad to be leaving my friends and everything I love about Fred town :( I too will be attending grad school but I feel like my college experience is ending. My favorite memory from this year has gotta be a St. Patricks Day event we did. We all dressed in St. Patricks day clothes and listened to Irish music and it was really fun. It is things like this I am going to really miss when I graduate. Nice post.


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